From the Pyramids (m 1385) (2) b>
Take the road that rises slightly in the direction dell'Uccelliera, and
After about 50 metres turn right, advancing forward in the forest
Boscolungo (3) b>. After the metal bar of Forestry,
Falsopiano path continues on a track, reaching after
About two kilometres, a stone fountain. Continuing left,
Take the path n. 5 that bypasses halfway up Mount Maiori (4) b>
And joins first at the mouth of Verginina of Serrabassa and then
The house of Lapo (5) b>. The peaks of Mount Paper are Open
Reached, in less than two hours, crossing the path of
Ridge (No. 0-0 CAI), which passes near the refuge, while our
Tour continues on the left along the mule track that through rade
Beech (6) b> and mirtilleti (7) b>, salt, with some bends,
The source of "Walloon of beech." This valley is bounded on the right
From the summit of Mount Belvedere (1896) and left the walls
Sandstone (8) b> Monte Rotodo (m 1937) which together form the
"Open Book". In Modena side of Mount Rotondo is possible
See, in summer, the flowering of rhododendron (9),
Typical alpine essence, in this impiantatasi places around 200,000 years
Ago during the last ice age. From the source snetiero
Hiking MPT (white-red signals) there ricondurrà the house of
Lapo. Font>
1. B> Abetone: In ancient whole
Area was called "Boscolungo" for the presence of a dense forest of
And beech trees; the name of the village seems it comes from a major
Spruce shot down near the step. Font>
2. B> Pyramids: were built
On the border Tuscan-Modena in 1777 in memory of the road "Ximeniana"
"Gardens", the works of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold I and the Duke of
Modena Francis III. On each pyramid are observed badges of
States which belonged and Latin inscriptions dedicated to the sovereign. Font>
3. B> Forest Boscolungo This
Forest covers about 2700 hectares and consists mainly
By secular trees. The white spruce (abies alba) reaches heights around
To 40 metres, has a right leg with gray-white bark and smooth
Her hair is conical. The needles are dark green at the
Higher, while in the lower are white and its bluastri
Pinecones reach lengths of 10-15 cm. Font>
4. B> Monte Maiori (m 1562): Small
Between major step dell'Abetone and Foce of Verginetta. From
Top, easily accessible by trail No 0-0 CAI close
Fountain stone, it can look at the impressive panorama
Apennine ridge from the north to northeast and the peaks of the
Abetonese south. Font>
5. B> House of Lapo: Small refuge
Open only in summer. Font>
6. B> Beech (Fagus Silvatica L.) High
Up to 30 metres, with rounded trunk, branches and foliage large,
Smooth gray bark clear. He leaves falling, green
Shiny dark at the top and clearer than less.
In our area meets up to 1800 metres together all'abete
White. Font>
7. B> Blueberry (Vaccinium Mitillus L.)
Bush can reach 30 cm in height, dark green color.
The fruits are berries black bluastre the size of a pea.
It grows in the forests of coniferous and broadleaf trees, meadows and glades.
The fruits collected in the summer with special rakes, I am very
Appreciated is that fresh jams and syrups. Font>
8. B> Sandstone: Rocky sedimentary
That was formed about 40 million years ago after huge
Underwater landslides that have delivered enormous amounts of material
Detritico, depositandolo basins in the deep sea. Font>
9. B> Rhododendron (Rhododendron
Ferrugineum L.) (protected species) bushy evergreen with Shrub
Flower-shaped bell with 5 lobes red purple. Growth in groups
On the rock and wetlands, rich in humus. Font>
Features font> b> td>
vertical drop
Climb font> b> font> td>
560 font> td>
Length font> b> font> td>
sans-serif" 10 m font> td>
Walking font> b> font> td>
a. / r.
H. 5 font> td>
Path font> b> font> td>
Dirt path and font> td>
Equipment font> b> font> td>
Binoculars, camera, shoes mountain font> td>
Departure font> b> font> td>
Pyramids of square dell'Abetone (1) b> font> td>