
Typical Products Supermercato Pettorelli

From 1948 the Pettorelli Supermarket to Fiumalbo in Via of the Park n.20 is to Your service. You will find immense assortment. Sale to the minute and wholesale. Efficient service also at domicile. Taking advantage itself of tried experience and reliability, the Pettorelli Supermarket waits for to You, sure to deserve Your sympathy. The activity is begun in far away 1948 in a modest and small premises to the feet of the Bell tower in the historical center of the country, in Public square Umberto I. In 1951 the store has been transferred in via Captain Goblets, main road of the center, remaining you until January 2001. During the 50 years of activity the premises, located little under the street, characteristic plan for the ceiling to arched in masonry, has subìto various transformations: it graduates them widenings, construction of three openings (2 of income and display windows of extension) to arc for intonarsi to the inner structure, transformation in self-service (the first one in all the high Appennino Tosco-Emiliano), valorization of all the atmosphere, such to render it callback and point of reference. From January 2001 all it has been transferred in one zone of new expansion, in Via of the Park n. 20, with wide premises and classified parking to the customers.

The brand that characterizes the Pettorelli Supermarket is one “BICYCLE WITH the WHEELS OF exposed $PARMESAN REGGIANO” at the beginnig of the access road.    Sale of typical products AGES THEM, with particular cure for that one of the FUNGI PORCINI BUCKETS, with prices that leave from € 4,00 the etto. Marmellate. Liqueurs. Mountain syrups. To try the exclusive and only “Fragolino Pettorelli”. Equipment for the collection of fungi, mirtilli and other products of the underbrush. Point sale of $PARMESAN REGGIANO. Moreover CHEESES OF SHEEP AND COW, and SALUMI. The best From Tuscany wines, Emiliani and of other zones

Visited the characteristic “Angle of the Greedy ones”, where they age salumi and cheese. TASTING AND ASSAYS.    Every day arrivals of fruit and verdura. Sale of plants and flowers. Articles from giardinaggio and camping. Homely. Bricolage. Reservation for excursions in mountain. Shipment possibility of the goods on all the territory.

Contact Typical Products Supermercato Pettorelli


Via del Parco n.20 - 41022 Fiumalbo()

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(+39) 053673101