
In the green they of the Sestaione goes, between the incontaminate forests of Pian of the Alders and of the Campolino she rises, give beyond average century, the Hotel Restaurant Bar Sichi. Courtesy and professionalities are on hand of the customer who, to second of the season, can choose the near tracks of ski of Pian di Novello and the Abetone, or escursionistiche the sport activities and that the Hotel has cure to follow directly. The hospitality of people and the extraordinary beauty of the nature will help you to pass an unforgettable stay. The Hotel Restaurant Bar Sichi is equipped of the following services: • elevator • wide it knows it restaurant • bar • it knows it TV • it knows it games • it knows it from dance “Not only bar” • garage • parking • pulmino on hand • garden • bocciodromo The Hotel Restaurant Bar Sichi offers to all the possibilities and the comforts for a calm and distensivo stay, with familiar treatment. The kitchen comes particularly cured and offers menù to tradition choice, rich, with typical plates and gastronomiche evenings. All the rooms of the Sichi Hotel are equipped of private services, telephone and TV.

Of summer they decide of folto a program of manifestations between dances (is in the open air that in discotheque), huntings to the treasure, excursions, tornei of bocce, briscola and cake from siena, tombolate and culutrali manifestations. The saturday is always an orchestra, and in the winter period the discotheque is opened for every demand, from the dance to the convention to the games. Also the wide soprastante bar knows it it polyvalent is comprised in the Hotel, and like this all the year is opened. The Hotel organizes amusing weeks white women, with the possibility to sciare is to the Abetone that to the Doganaccia. It offers moreover to the opportunity of lunches in quota with operating within the national health service shelters and special prices for multipass and school ski. For the season spring-summer they come carried out many weeks ecological-naturalistic greens and stays, beginning from organizes 2 days to you of pension, that iron, botanical garden, ice, sacred art and etnologico museum preview visits to the ecomuseale system (). Excursions guided from experts in the surrounding forest, comprised the interesting reserve natural of Campolino. They can moreover be visited castagneti, metati and small farms, where an optimal one can be tasted dulls made up of local typical products; lessons of equitazione and peach are possible also. For the lovers of the products of the underbrush this is just the place adapted: the Hotel offers to all the year the squisitezza of these fruits, mirtilli, raspberries, strawberries above all of summer, the delicious chestnuts and it perfumes fungi to you in the remaining period. Sichi organizes gustosi lunches to base is of game that of funghi, with the possibility to savour one beautiful Sballottata (cooked chestnuts), Saint wine and an allegro afternoon in music.


Contact Hotel Sichi


viale Beatrice n.59 Pian degli Ontani - 51024 Cutigliano(PT)

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(+39) 0573673015

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